Sunday, January 5, 2020
America Needs The Death Penalty Essay example - 1353 Words
The death penalty has been a heated topic of debate for many of years. Some people believe that the death penalty is unconstitutional in that it is cruel and unusual punishment. Many people also think that the states do not have the authority to take a life. They think that it is god’s responsibility to judge life and death not mans. So they look at the death penalty from a religious view point. Items that this commission will consider in evaluating the humanity and constitutionality of the death penalty, are is lethal injection a humane way to put an offender to death. We will also consider the constitution to ensure the state follows the constitution. Further, consideration will be given to if the state ensuring that all death†¦show more content†¦The first medicine given to the inmate who is receiving the lethal injection is called barbiturate anesthetic sodium thiopental (Hooper). This drug is mixed into a liquid form and it is generally prepared by prison staff ( Hooper). Because of this drug variability, doctors have stated that they are sure inmates have suffered (Hooper). After the barbiturate anesthetic sodium drug is administered, inmates are given pancuronium bromide (Hooper, 2006). This drug stops the inmates breathing and then stops the heart from beating, but because the inmate is paralyzed and cannot breathe, he or she would not be able to let anyone know the pain they may be going through (Hooper). Even with all these variables in place that can potentially cause great pain to the inmate receiving the lethal dosage, it is still considered the most humane way to carry out the death penalty among the states (Hooper). Hooper also states that the actual time of death of the inmate may not come until 30 to 45 minutes after the first shot was given to the inmate. Could that be considered cruel and unusual punishment? This is one valid argument that people make. That is why it is important for the commission to look at the constitutional ity of the death penalty. If lethal injection truly is cruel and unusual then that would be illegal in the eyes of the federal government. Nobody has the authority to goShow MoreRelatedAmerica Needs a Tougher Death Penalty Essay1049 Words  | 5 PagesAmerica Needs a Tougher Death Penalty  Pain. Anger. Frustration. Hatred. These feeble words do not describe the anguish felt by the families of murder victims. Ted Bundy was responsible for the deaths of more than 50 young women across the United States.(Lamar 34) Bundy was finally sentenced to death by the state of Florida in 1978 for the kidnapping and brutal murder of a 12 year old girl and the deaths of 2 Florida State sorority sisters.(Lamar 34) As if the loss of a loved one is not enoughRead MoreCapital Punishment Is Not Effective865 Words  | 4 Pagesthere is an estimated 2% to 5% of all prisoners in America are innocent. 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